Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Busy and tired

Saturday I spent with Kari M. who is getting married next October! I hadn't seen her since I got back from my 3 week NW rondeveau last month, so there was much catching up to do. Her friend Jenny was in town from San Francisco, so the three of us plus Amanda and Sonia got together for high tea in Pasadena to see the ring, discuss options, suggestions, and have a girly day. We did some window shopping in Old Town Pas, going into Tiffany's, a Japanese paper shop, bought some clothes at H&M (my new favorite store), and got caught up on all our stories. I did not go out for drinks that night as I was getting exhausted and had a busy weekend ahead of me (we also went to Target at 8pm - best time to go).

Sunday Matt and I went to my friend Marie's wedding. She and her new husband, Eric, are celebrated in chic style. We had never been to a Jewish ceremony before, so that was very interesting and fun to boot. It was at the Sky Room in Long Beach, which has a 360 degree view atop the building in a fabulous restaurant. Each guest was assigned at a table, and each table was named after their favorite movies. Matt and I were assigned to Young Frankenstein along with a few other young married couples. We had a blast. The wine was flowing, the music was hopping, and the food was incredible! The newlyweds were so cute. Marie and Eric had been waiting for this day for so long. It was wonderful to finally see them as, officially, husband and wife.

Monday we headed out to Venice Beach for a BBQ with Mary and Ben and other close AFI friends. We headed out to the beach, had a bit of alchohol, and ate good food. We brought a salmon pasta salad, hard cider, and burgers. Someone brought these chocoloate chip cookie-bars that were simply amazing melt in your mouth awesome. I couldn't eat enough, but after 4 my stomach decided IT had enough. Matt left early to go to another party, and I stayed behind to catch up with Mary.

For those of you who don't know, I got a job! It's not official yet, they are still processing paperwork. But, thanks to Gina Nicole, I am working at a staffing company. We place temps, temps-to-hire, and direct placements in the financial and administrative sectors. More details to come when the position becomes official.

Matt graduates next week. I can't wait! I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments. He is ready to move on to the next phase in his career and both of us can't wait to find out where we're headed next. :)

And, finally, WELCOME to Don and Cindy! We're so excited you're close by!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


1. Is Charlie really dead?

2. With the ending between Jack and Kate, is next season really what Ben eluded to? The beginning of the end?

3. Who is Naomi?

4. Why do we have to wait 6 months for the next new episode? I'm going to go crazy!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Minor grievences

1. I can't stand Time Warner Cable. We always have to power cycle our cable box and internet at least once a day. What am I really paying these people for? Can't they use my money to make sure our electronic connections work without constant interuptions?

2. Driving in L.A. can make anyone crazy. Drift over into another lane without your turn signal on, and there's no problem - it's accepted. But put your turn signal on, and everyone just speeds up to pass you. What's that about?

3. Being so tired. I know it's due to a lack of exercise. But everything I want to do in this town costs money. Yoga raised their prices, I don't have the time for bootcamp with my weird schedule, so I guess it's Yoga or Pilates at home. If I could just get my butt moving...

4. Summer is on it's way along with forest fires. What wonder this will do for my allergies!

5. Job rejections over email. That is just taking the easy way out! What wusses.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ah, Memories

Watching TV with The Simpson family at the FOX lot. Good times!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Weekend with the girls

Friday....I don't remember what I did on Friday...I think we stayed home and just hung out.

Saturday was fun. I went to visit Liz in San Gabriel and we had a lovely lunch at my new favorite spot, Wild Thyme Cafe - they have the best zuchinni bread! We talked and talked and talked some more, catching up on stories that seemed to have happened years ago when it had only been a few months. She's off to an Alaskan cruise later this month but we've sworn to get together more often - none of this "every few months" business.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. To keep my brain occupied, Mary and I headed over to BJ's Brewery in Burbank and then to the Los Angeles Autry Museum to see a fashion exhibit. Lunch was wonderful - berry cider and fish tacos - I couldn't beat the company. The exhibit was nice but small. So we went to the store and got some wine and cheese, but she couldn't find a parking spot. So we rescheduled "wine-o day" for later this week.

Thanks to all who called and sent emails yesterday to make the day a little easier. Much appreciated.

Friday, May 11, 2007


...of Mother's Day. I'm just in denial that it's on Sunday and going to a museum. I was a dutiful daughter (and in-law) and ordered flowers.

...of Matt with his impending graduation and overwhelming thesis.

...of Jenny and her pregnancy, for her to get a few nights of sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.

...of all my interviews and hoping that I get the job here.

...of a man that I have never met, only know through his blog (I wish you peace and strength).

...of Lena and her beautiful garden.

...of (California) Kari and her newly engaged self.

...of Stephanie Paige and Patrick, and their impending move to New York City.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I have 2 job interviews tomorrow afternoon. It's awkward being a temp and calling your agency with this information. The (wonderful) lady I work with at the agency, Melissa, was at lunch so I left a message with the receptionist detailing my situation. I explained that I had 2 interviews and wanted to be honest, that they are in the afternoon and seemed like Thursday was the only day I could come in to interview. I don't know what Melissa will say. I was planning the whole time to "call in sick", but figured honesty would be the best policy. She and the agency have been so good to me and so understanding and flexible. I feel terrible about possibly ending the assignment early, but then again, isn't this what being a temp is all about? Being flexible and working with schedules? Gah, I wish my conscience wasn't so sensitive and I could just let things slide. I hate to worry. It's a waste of time. I just wish I could practice that policy.

In other news, the fire was smoldering this morning. No homes have been damaged, but over 600 acres burned.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Send water!

Griffith Park is on fire. It's getting close to homes and the main street, Los Feliz Boulevard. We went up to the rooftop to see the flames, and there's a huge plume of smoke rising just above the AFI campus. We can hear helicopters from our apartment heading over. This is all over the news and the panning shots show the entire park on fire. There hasn't been rain in months and the fire is picking up on all the dry brush and moving very quickly. I don't think we'll have to evacuate, but check here for updates. News just reported that it's out of control and there's several hot spots all over the park. The temperature right now is 83, and we're expected to have weather in the 90's tomorrow. Cold weather is expected by Thursday, which will be too late. There is a zoo in this park, along with horse trail rides and many forms of wildlife live here too. Mostly birds and coyotes. I hope they make it out ok.

Chin up

I have another interview on Thursday so here's hoping something works out.

It's interesting working reception at a company like FX. Some people treat you wonderfully and say hello and look at you. Others don't give you the time of day and seem to walk on airs. The "important" people, I don't mind. But the assistants? Come on, man. There is a guy who walks around here, literally, with his nose in the air. I understand that he's in his own head and trying to cover his butt. But really, come on. Get your head out of your ass and treat the gal who's the first face your clients see with some respect. Can you tell there's no way in hell I'd ever want to work this job? I can see why they have a high turn over rate.

I have, however, been getting quite a few compliments on my work here, which is calling people when packages and visitors arrive. I met the receptionist here a few weeks ago when I temped for a mass mailing project. I asked her for some more envelopes and she turned around, bent over, and HELLO!!! Thong! Yuck. Ew. So inappropriate (in my opinion). One woman here even remarked how I obviously like to stay "covered." Heck yeah. My underwear is my own business. No one else's!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Looking up

Two interviews! One tomorrow with another agency and Wednesday with a real estate financial firm. It's amazing how just one response is a huge confidence boost.

No more applications today. I've sent out 12 and gotten one response. That's how competitive it is out there.

More good news though! Matt has signed a contract for writing work and will get paid in installments as he completes the work. Very exciting!

Brain is full

I've applied to several jobs in the past few hours - about 5 - I think. I'm overwhelmed and done with editing my resume and salary history, telling people why they should hire me. No word yet from the manager here at FOX - she barely spoke to me this morning. She's probably just busy. I'll catch her later this afternoon when she's not trying to get caught up from weekend emails and phone calls.

This weekend was wonderfully relaxing and easy. I slept in, saw Spiderman 3 (which was ok, graphics were amazing), and ate chinese food.

Friday, May 04, 2007


I didn't get the job in Encino. I don't understand why - they responded well to my interview and I thought I did so well. I'm feeling really shitty right now, like I did when I first started looking for work when I got here. Hopeless. Job searching is just utterly hopeless. Though I did hand off my resume to an Administrator here at FX. We'll see if anything comes of that, but at this point I'd say probably not.

Job #2 - Admissions

I guess they wanted me to come in and temp before they start the interview process, but it starts next week and I already am temping for the other agency. I hope I'm still up for the position - I sent an email to clarify.

Today or early next week I'm supposed to hear back from the job I really want (at the placement agency) as to whether or not I'll be asked in for a 3rd interview. Wish me luck! This job search stuff is aggravating. I applied for a few more this morning so we'll see what happens.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bored now

Yesterday, today and for the next 7 weekedays I am working at FX and Fox Movie Channel at their reception desk. While it may sound exciting, it's not. All the important people have their own assistants which leaves me surfing the internet and checking my email every 5 minutes. Yes, it is a paycheck and today is going faster than yesterday. So, if you feel like emailing me, leaving a comment here or on myspace, it would really help these next few days.

Last night I had a great class. I'm working hard on my listening skills and focusing my energy on the task at hand rather than fidgeting and releasing energy through menial things, like slamming down a book or a loud sigh. This class is amazing, and I am always excited (and a little nervous) to see what Cliff has to say. I also thanked him for giving me scenes that are comical rather than serious drama. I needed to take a break from crying.

Which reminds me that mother's day is coming up...I could anticipate feeling like crap, feeling depressed, or something else. I think I just want to be busy on that Sunday and not even think about what it means. Of course, I will send flowers to her. And to Nancy. But I feel the need to move on. It's why I'm looking for work and trying to be more responsible. I'm a grown-up and need to start being one.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Maine Coon Kitty

So Quinn has been on this weight loss program for awhile and I took her to the vet last week. She gained 2 with me here, girl! The vet is convinved that she is more than half Maine Coon, a breed of cat that can get well up to over 25 pounds! So I did some research and found some pictures. She is definitely part Maine Coon. The face and neck, the hair, very very similar. So at least that gives me reason to say that I'm doing my best to maintain her weight, but it's not my fault she keeps gaining! It's in her genes! :)

Goings On

Yesterday I had 2 job interviews! One was for a placement agency in Encino. They work with potential employees and private schools, trying to make a good match. This interview went really well and I'm expecting to hear back soon to go in for a 3rd interview. I'm so excited about this particular opportunity. It's a great fit and even though I would be taking the freeway, I'd be driving against traffic.

The other interview was for a private school in Beverly Hills, working in their admissions office. They are hiring through a temp agency so I had to interview with the agency first. Of course, I had to take a grammar test (which I didn't do so good - no surprise there) and a typing test (72 wpm). I don't remember much about the interview itself and by the end my brain was full. I had forgotten how exhausting interviews can be. I should here back (hopefully) today or tomorrow as to whether or not the school wants to meet with me.

On another note, I know I haven't posted in awhile and for you regular readers I'm sorry for that. I've been dealing with grief and anger, and while I know I could post everything about that here, well, I've been quite volatile and that's a side I don't often like to share (my poor husband and my poor therapist). Thanks for your patience and I promise to do a better job of keeping you updated!