Moving on and moving up in the great city of Tacoma. And yes, I still dream of being a stage-actress.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Here's the news I have so far: It was felt in Las Vegas & in San Diego. Magnitude of 5.8, aftershocks in San Bernadino already (though very small). Lasted probably about 30 seconds. I'm ok, just wonky and dizzy.
Matt is pitching his show at a network today. A very memorable pitch indeed!
Monday, July 28, 2008
A sign of things to come.
Friday we got up at the god awful hour of 5am and headed down to San Diego with Matt DeMille, Cindy, Don, Jeremy and Rian for Comic Con. The Gamers: Dorkness Rising at long last, screened! It was amazing, and I must say that my performance as "Barmaid" was enhanced by the big screen (if you see it you'll know what I'm talking about). It will be released next month at GenCon, but if you can't wait that long, see if you can get it from Netflix. You'll also be able to order it on Amazon (and according to Amazon, David Duchovny is in the movie). Holy s***, isn't that cool!? I'm so proud of Matt and the Dead Gentlemen. They've worked so hard and waited so long for this. Check out Matt's blog for details on our visit to Comic Con and more good news.
Saturday night I went out with Paige and Paige, and had a horrible hangover the next day.
Sunday night we went to a screening for The Empire Hotel, on which Matt has a writing credit. It was a fun premiere and I really enjoyed the little details in the pilot.
Saturday night we are finally going to see a concert at the Hollywood Bowl! Eric Idle, of Monty Python fame, is performing and we're going with a group of friends. We have nosebleed seats, but who cares. I can't wait!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
80 acres and loving it!
I got quite a few snapshots of Sarah over the week. She loves the camera. This was my favorite of the bunch.
Jessica and her team won the division championship game!
l-r: Dad, Sarah, Sharon, and Terry. I miss them terribly.
Katy, this picture is for you. This is Sharon's garden, and it's HUGE. All kinds of fruit and veggies. Sharon picked strawberries every other day, and Cherries early in the week. I think I'll start with something smaller when Matt and I get a house though! :)
This is the view across the street.
Ready to go home...well, in a way. I loved being with my family.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Goodbye, Golden Girl
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hazy eyes
So with this situation, I've spent the morning putting new recipes in Master Cook thanks to Cindy's trick (Thank you, Cindy!) and trying to muster up some calm, peaceful energy so I can go to the Hollywood Farmer's Market. It's a nice cool morning, and I don't want to waste it being grouchy.
And pictures to come from my trip to Washington. I had a great time, and am homesick. It was nice to be taken care of in that motherly way.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Peace & Quiet
I can't imagine being any where else right now, amongst 80 acres of nothing, hearing the birds in the morning, watching the sunsets from the prarie, and watching deer graze in nearby fields. The air is so crisp and clear late at night, you can see the stars without hardly any light pollution. It's just magical. I wish I could stay longer, but I'm just going to have to make more of an effort to come back more often.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Off to Spokane!
Sharon and Terry have a great big yard, and about a third of it is Sharon's garden. They have a dog, cats, and used to have chickens, cows, and horses (so I hear). They own 80 acres just outside the city. I'll be in the middle of nowhere, and I can't wait! :)
I will blog if/when I can, but will bring home lots of pictures. Unfortunately I won't be beating the heat. Sharon says it's supposed be in the 80's all weekend and in the 90's by next week!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
4th of July weekend
The Santa Monica Pier. Weather was hot and the water was very refreshing.
Katy and I in our new floppy hats!
Even at the beach, we couldn't get away from advertising.
The biggest sunflower I've ever seen!
It was a great weekend!
Monday, July 07, 2008
The neighborhood
Thursday, July 03, 2008
A trendy evening with friends
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Almost done...
This holiday weekend is a definite cause for celebration! I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday!