Saturday, June 28, 2008

A clean slate

So I changed the blog address. Sorry to do so, but I had to make a change to signify how things have changed since this blog began over 3 years ago. Hubby and I are entering a new phase of life, actually craving stability, and we hope for a wee one in the near future. I can't tell you how nervous and excited I am to start this new chapter of life!

May the 30's be everything that I hoped the 20's would be, and more.

Friday, June 27, 2008

New beginnings

I keep trying to figure out what to say on this blog. Seems that I always think of really good, introspective, and interesting posts in the car, at work, before I go to sleep, on a hike, anywhere that I'm not able to blog. Of course, by the time I sit down, all of this goes out of my head. So, I'm thinking about starting a new one. Not yet, but it just seems about time. This blog was started to keep family & friends up to date, to relish in the new city, to experience being a grad-student-wife, to explore the city, amongst other adventures.

But see, we're cheap. And homebodies. So to really give purpose to this blog, I need to take more pictures. Reading previous posts, this should be called "Camille's Adventures". It was our blog, kind of, and now that Matt's made his own and now he's done with school...I don't know. I know that if we do move to the Central Coast (not anytime soon, it's a dream of ours), I have a great a idea for a blog: "The SLO Life" (SLO = San Luis Obispo). And I've thought about starting it up anyway because we go up there so often. But that's all I need. Another website to update. I can't even keep up with this one! :)

I feel as though I am in a place of transition. I think part of it has to do with turning 30 this summer, and I'm really excited. But it also has to do with the fact that I finally quit my job!! Yes, I gave notice on Monday and it felt really good. I walked out of my boss's office and couldn't help but smile a big toothy grin. It's time to move on. Personnel issues aside, I've been an Admin for 10 years now, and I need to find some other way to make a living. Don't worry, my fiscal friends. I've got a plan and it's going into place.

Big news this summer: The latest film from Dead Gentlemen, Dorkness Rising (aka Gamers 2) has finally gotten distribution! You can pre-order the DVD here, and we'll be releasing it at GenCon this summer. Read Matt's announcement. I'm so proud of him, and the rest of DG. It's about frickin time! Matt also has talks with some cable companies (big-time networks) about a couple of shows he's written. I can't say anything more except to say THIS COULD BE HUGE. But this is L.A. We won't hold our breath.

Tomorrow we are going out to a trendy bar downtown with friends Kari and Paul who are getting hitched this fall. If I remember, I will bring my camera and attempt to have more adventures that speak to this amazingly wonderful but odd and crazy city that we live in.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Heat Wave

We found out our a/c and heating is powered by solar panels on the roof! So we leave our a/c on all the time now because it's 100 degrees outside. Literally. Our poor friend Amanda is suffering in Woodland Hills with 110+ temperatures. Ew.

We are surviving this heat wave though. Lots of water, lots of cold salad, and no cooking. I hate to say it but ordering in has been a way of life these last few days. It's just too hot too cook.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Feel our pain.

106 today. I'm getting nauseated from coming in from the hot hot air to the freezing air conditioned buildings.

Seems that all sorts of places are having major weather issues these days. Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes...

Global warming, anyone?

Friday, June 13, 2008

A better attitude, and a promise of more pictures.

I've been trying to think up a really good blog post lately. The problem is that I don't right it down and then when I need to come up with something, I've forgotten all the good stories and insights that have passed through (and left) my brain over the last few days. I apologize for the short posts and bullet lists, but I honestly haven't had much to say.

I've been working on my attitude and part of that is not talking about my job. I'm so unhappy here, but by talking about it I'm constantly re-living what I hate about it and it just zaps my enthusiasm and happy disposition. In an effort to be more positive, over the Solavang weekend, I decided to not talk about work for the next few days (I could tell that hubby and friends were quite relieved). I decided to continue that effort into my vacation. I've now gone 2 weeks without complaning about my job (aside from the really stupid stuff, such as things that should occur in 7th grade but not in a professional office), and I can tell that my attitude has significantly improved. My energy level is about the same, but I'm feeling better about my life in general. It was a good decision, and I'm going to continue with it.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera when we left for Napa, but no worries! I bought a disposable digital camera. I just have to finish the roll (which I will do over this weekend - we're going to her birthday party tomorrow night) and pictures will be posted. I promise! I know I made an effort there for a little while to post more pictures, but the past few months have obviously gotten away from me. I pledge to try harder! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guess who's blogging now?

Welcome to the world of blogging, honey! :)

His latest post describes our trips to Solvang and Fairfield/Napa in great detail. I'm feeling lazy, so that's all you're going to get for now.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Hubby and I are off to Napa and possibly another day trip to San Francisco. Leah is getting married - who knew? When we visited her and her family (Matt's side) at Thanksgiving, there was talk of Colin proposing. And now, here we are.

I really should be getting to bed but I know I'll sleep in the car. There's a few loose ends to tie up, and a BIG HUGE MONGO thank you!! to Paige for watching, feeding, and attemping to medicine our kitties. (And sorry for the early wake-up call.)

Pictures will be taken. Unfortunately I don't have any from Solvang, but hopefully we'll be back at the end of the summer and can snap some shots then. It was great fun, and for more details see this blog and this one too.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Running late...

For work, but I don't care.

I've really missed Matt these last few days. And I'm so excited to have some time with him on our upcoming trip to Napa/San Francisco for his cousin's wedding. We'll be sharing a hotel room with Uncle Terry and Aunt Lisa, whom we almost never get to see, so this trip will be extra special. Add to this that I'm taking 2 days off work and I'm extra excited!

There's been a lot going on this last week, with last weekend's trip to Solvang and some insights that I've had. But I seem to be at a loss for words (I know, this almost never happens). I'm not sure what to say or even if I do, how to say it.