Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moving on up

We move to the 4th floor tomorrow. We're feeling a little nostalgic about leaving this little apartment. It was our first place here in a new city, where we knew no one but each other. It was our place when Matt was in school, when I was out of work, when we were both grieving over significant losses this past year. And now that we're leaving, we're looking back at all the progress we have made. We've come so far with new jobs, new friends, and a new start in our new place.

(Just an FYI, the cable guy can't come until Monday, so we'll be without internet and cable until then.)

(Had a nice chat with Jenny the other day. Thanks for all your advice and insights, it was great to hear your voice and Patrick's too.)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Camille, what a touching post. It is a great reflection on all you've been through and how far you've come in the time that you were able to call that space home. Think of all the new memories you will create in your new place. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are all settled in. Good luck with your moving week! See you Thursday;)