Friday, March 25, 2011

Just to get it out there, I haven't exercised much this week. I am babysitting tonight and if it's ok with the 'rents, I'll be strolling their baby girl in North Tacoma for a good walk. Or I might go by myself this afternoon. We'll see. Motivation for walking is easier when the weather is so beautiful outside. However, I've really been focusing more on eating right and drinking more water, taking my vitamins, etc.

But the real reason I wanted to blog today is that I need an outlet for these emotions I'm having. Today my co-worker Tom, my parents long time friend and employee, came over to hang up my mom's window, in our home. I watched her work on it, and now it's here. It's been on the floor since last summer. Now it's in our dining room, filtering the afternoon sun, watching over us. It's difficult to tear myself away from it. I could just watch it all morning. I can't wait to see my dad's face when he comes over on Saturday. He's going to be so happy. But I can tell that I'm not going to get much accomplished today. To me, with the window finally up, I just want to stare at it. I feel like she's here, watching over us, guiding me. I just wasn't ready for that today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exercise #1

35 minute walk today during lunch. Things just haven't gone my way today, and I'm stressed and overwhelmed! Thankfully it is NOT raining so I grabbed my iPod and walked along Marymoore Creek. I feel much better now.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My best

So I have a couple of friends who are on a weight loss/fitness plan, and I have to say, there's not a bigger motivator for me than to keep myself in line with others. I'm working really hard at cutting back on sugar. Even with making cookies yesterday, I only had one. And today someone brought in gingerbread squares, and I only had one. While yes, my original goal is no sugar, I'm doing my best.

This week I'm getting back into my "normal" schedule. I say "normal" because I've been in shows for the last 7 months, and I can't really remember what "normal" is anymore. This gives me a little time to figure out meal plans, clean out the fridge, and focus on healthy eating habits. Next week I'll figure out my workout routine, which will probably be a few weekday walks during lunch, (especially now that the weather *should* start warming up), BodyRock TV, and a weekly Zoomba class at the community center. I've heard good things about that class, and I am eager to check it out. I figure if I keep the activities changing, then my body will respond appropriately.

Why the push? Not only do I just want to look better and feel better, but I'm in a HUGE wedding in June. I want to look good in those pictures, and feel better about myself over all. I'll be using the blog and facebook to hold myself accountable. So far, week one hasn't gone bad. Not perfect, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere, right?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Refined Sugar

When in a show, I try to be healthy. Key word is "TRY". This show, for some reason, a lot of chocolate has been going around, along with cookies and candy. Luckily Matt realized that Lent just started and decided to give up refined sugar for Lent. And, though I'm not religious, I've decided to support him and give up refined sugar too. Which means if I want something like a cookie, it can't have any sugar, except honey and/or applesauce. I realize this is going to be a major challenge, but it shouldn't be too bad. I mean, I get to eat more fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth, and what's wrong with that? :) Just in time for spring and summer too. Blueberries, strawberries, I come...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wow, I haven't blogged in nearly two months. I guess you could say I just haven't felt like it. There's been lots of stuff going on, in my life and in my head, and to try to sort it all out on the Internets just takes too much effort sometimes.

The latest show I'm in is finally winding down this weekend. It's been an amazing experience, probably my best role ever, what a challenge! For the first time I wasn't cast because I look young (not that I have a problem with that), but I feel that I was cast because of my abilities as an actress. This is the toughest role I've had to play in my post-college career, mostly because of all the physical attributes. And what's really neat is that I learn something more about my character every time I go on stage. What an adventure! I love it. I'm really going to miss the cast and crew. However I am going to LOVE having my weekends back, as well as my weeknights. I have been in shows pretty much straight through, from August until now, and I'm tired, friends, I'm so tired. That's not to say that I won't audition again, because I will, but likely not anytime soon. The rest of my life needs attention, and I'm excited for upcoming plans, including a HUGE wedding that I get to be a part of, vacation with my hubby in April, possible trips to Spokane this summer, and getting our house in order...maybe we'll finally paint some walls! There are other aspects of my life too, that need attention, but I don't want to publicize them all over the Internets, but for those of you who I've talked to in the last couple of months, you know what I'm talking about. :)

I've been thinking a lot about my future too, not in a panic, but more of ideas of where I want to be, and what I want to do. I definitely want to travel more, but I also want to go back to school and get my masters. The tough question is IN WHAT because, as you know, I'm interested in so many different things. Writing, journalism, Japanese, cooking, marketing, hospitality...oy...and it would be hard to find a program that would combine all of those. So I'm going to take a little time in my head, do a little research, figure out what I would like to do, but still stay open to possibilities. I don't want to think that I'm where I'm going to be for the next thirty years, because thirty years is a long time and who knows what's going to happen?