Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Turning 30? Already?

I'm turning 30.

On Sunday.

This past year I've been so excited and thrilled about starting this new decade, where everything is supposed to come together, where I'm no longer "a baby" but I'm not old either. But last week I suddenly realized that I'M TURNING 30. And I'm starting to freak out. I don't know where this came from. I don't anticipate everything "heading south" when the clock strikes 9:52pm on Sunday night. And I wonder if it has to do with the expectations I had as a kid, where I expected to be by the time I was 30. But I didn't, and I still don't. So why the anxiety?

In any case, I know that for some people, birthdays can be less of a party and it's just another day. But for me, I look forward to it every year. A definite excuse to have a good time with family and friends, to party hardy, and to celebrate how far I've come, and that I'm still around.

(And I hope to be carded at the store on my birthday. That would be a nice gift.)


Noreen said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you are having and amazing and awesome day. Enjoy every minute of it! And thanks for your nice comment. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Lena said...

Happy Happy Birthday Camille!