Monday, July 31, 2006


I don't want to sound selfish but I just have certain things I can't do, like the bathroom and giving her a bath. It's my mom, for petes sake and I just can't bear it. Today I had to give her a spit bath, with my cousin Lisa (who has worked hospice care before, THANK GOD, she knew what she was doing) and broke down afterwards. Thank goodness Matt called at that moment. He'll be here Friday and Steph will be here tomorrow.

For all of you who have emailed, called, commented, etc. Thank you. It is encouraging and helpful and comoforting to read what you have to say.

And Molly, I do smile. As much as possible.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Growing Up

I think the worst part of growing up is watching your parents get older. Especially when one is sicker than the other, and spending your days supporting the healthy parent in all endavors, from making the ill one more comfortable to being social director and coordinating visits and phone calls.

It's time you know that my Mom is terminal. She is under hospice care here at home. The hospice nurse visited yesterday and based on mom's decline in the past week she says there are maybe weeks left, but not months. We were hoping that she'd make it to her next birthday in October, but now we're just hoping for Labor Day. She's beaten the odds before, and we have hope that she can do it again, but she's on morphine and pain patches, which is certainly not a hopeful sign. Even through the tears and anger, I still have faith that she's going to get better.

I think the creepiest thing I saw this morning was the amount of crows outside our house. There were 4 sitting on the telephone wire just hanging out outside my mom's room (it's the living room). Dad says they are Native American spirits, and that crows were an ominious sign that death is near. He also saw an owl outside yesterday in the back yard, and that is incredibly rare.

I go back and for between sobbing and feeling out of control to being in survival and business mode, so bear with me. :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Alanis Phenomenon

I was on my way home from class tonight when I turned on the radio and Miss Alanis' voice filled my speakers. It's an interesting story how I found out about her when I was an angsty (is that even a word?) teen. My Uncle Gregg gave me her CD for Christmas and asked if I had ever heard of her. I said "NO" in my one-word teen like way and he acted as though I had just slapped him across the face. He said she was the hottest artist and I simply had to listen to her. So I did. Over and over again. My favorite being "You Learn."

I still have the CD but I don't listen to it any more. The phenomenon, I believe, is that I can go months, even years, without hearing those songs on that CD, and I still know every single word.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

New couch!

So a new couch is a perfect reason to redecorate, yes? :D I'm so so excited about the "new" living room. We now have seating for 7 (witht the desk chair and the director's chair in the corners). Plus our new couch is a fold out sofa that is really really comfy (Matt and I slept on in it last night). Thank you Greg and Nancy! It's a perfect housewarming present!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Naked Barbie Dolls?

I always wondered when that might happen. And apparently someone is really REALLY wanting this. And soon.

What a life

The Life Cycle is Backwards

I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, you know, start out dead, get it out of the way. You wake up in an old age home, feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You enjoy life, you party, and you get ready for high school. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a baby, then, you spend your last 9 months floating peacefully with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, larger quarters everyday, and then you finish off as an orgasm.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No more!

Please. No more bath products. I don't have room!
(This is all the stuff I haven't used. Let's not get into the stuff that I use all the time.)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hot Kitties

My poor babies. Especially Quinn. She lays down belly up in front of the fan quite often. Can't say that I blame her with temperatues being as high as they are. 108 in the valley over the weekend! I now understand why people live near the water and/or have pools and own convertibles. Get cooled down and get cool air any way that you can.

I also put ice cubes in their water dish today. I've never done that before and obviously it was quite entertaining. For them and for me.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Friday I was invited to go out dancing but I declined saying that I had a date with my husband on Saturday. Since I never get to see him, I'd rather be awake and not hungover! Plus, clubs get so crowded on the weekends, and I just wasn't in the mood.

Saturday, my surprise date, was wonderful. Matt took me to Huntington Gardens which was absolutely stunning. If you love to garden, if you love nature, this is the place for you. They have a dessert garden, herb garden, shakespeare garden, japanese garden, lily ponds, subtropical garden, statue garden, rose garden, and so much more that we didn't even get to see! They even have a tea house which I definitely want to check out next time. Our trip was cut off short by an unfortunate call from a dear dear close friend of mine who's father passed away suddenly on Friday. I decided to head home and make some calls. I'll be heading up to Seattle around the 27th.

Sunday was spent with Liz, my fun friend that I met through temping. We had a great catch-up lunch at Fred 62. I had a great omlette with chicken sausage, goat cheese, sundried tomatoes and avacado with hashbrowns on the side. Then we went over to the Off Broadway Shoe Company where I found new white sandals (casual) and little brown heels with a short heel to match my crazy but fun and sexy brown/white dress that Nancy helped me find at Macys. I'm so excited to wear it, now I just need an occasion! :) Ooooooooo, red carpet at GenCon...

Speaking of GenCon, Matt and will be heading to Indiana August 9. I'll spend my birthday working a conference and then heading the the premiere of Gamers 2. When I get back, I'm heading striaght to Knott's Berry Farm because they have kick-ass roller coasters. Who wants to go with me? :)

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm going to be kidnapped

Matt is "kidnapping" me tomorrow, taking me somewhere and I don't know where we're going. I have a few ideas, namely Huntington Gardens but whenever I guess I usually get it right and that really ticks him off. So I'm really trying to keep my mouth shut and let him enjoy planning our day (because I seriously can't remember the last time he did this)! Pictures and details will be posted after our lovely day together.

Matt's parents will be here in about a week and will be staying with us. They have graciuosly offered to buy us a hide-a-bed which is very exciting for me. I have been wanting to get rid of our loveseat for some time now and this is the perfect excuse. While they're here we'll go to Santa Monica, Huntington Gardens, Pasadena, and a few of our favorite restaurants, maybe even a hike at Griffith Park. I can't wait for them to get here. It's always wonderful to see family and they have never seen our place.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

On the go

You are Sneakers!

You're an active girl, who's all about function
You dress for the occasion - comfort comes first
Your perfect guy? Someone who can keep up with you.
You'll find him - but you might have to slow down to see him!



Unexpectedly charming! How many times have we all wanted to fast forward, pause, rewind, and mute sections in our lives. This is not your typical Adam Sandler movie, which is why I liked it so much.

Devil Wears Prada.

It's all about Meryl Streep. Hands down, she is the center of this movie. If you've not read the book, read it first. I loved it up until the end, but that's because they "disneyfied" the ending. Stanley Tucci is also utterly charming.

Pirates of the Carribean - Dead Man's Chest.

Disappointing. The supporting elements like costumes, make-up, special effects were amazing. Johnny Depp and Bill Neighy were incredible, but Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom's characters plots had nothing to do with the main story. And that's all I'll say because I know most of you haven't seen it yet.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy "Blowing Stuff Up" Day!

Party time! L-R: Mary, Ben, Sam, Matt, Rian on our rooftop

We are classy folks.
(P.S. That wine was AMAZING. Highly reccomended!)

My favorite wine glass and my favorite card game.