Monday, June 28, 2010


I have a routine.

Wake up at 5:30am. Leave for work by 6:30. Drop Matt off at work, arrive at my job around 7:30 or 7:45. Get shit done. Leave around 3:30 or 3:45, pick Matt up, get home around 4:30 or 5. Rest. Fix dinner and eat dinner. Unpack boxes. Have a glass of wine. Go to sleep.


Guess I've entered that thing called "adulthood".

I am hoping in 6 months or so, I can work one or two days from home. But first, there's work to be done on the new website (launch is scheduled for 7/15). We have to get part of the e-commerce store up and running before I can think about sleeping in on a weekday.

Life is pretty routine now, so not much exciting news. Although this weekend was fantastic. We celebrated Matt's cousin's wedding, which was great fun. I love his family and it was wonderful to catch up with them. Yesterday we stayed home ALL DAY. It felt incredible to just get stuff done AND watch TV (our tv is working now, yay).

Tonight is craft night at Sam and Phil's. I am excited to see their place and get a little creative. Hopefully this week we will get to see Ben and Rita during waking hours. :)

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