Thursday, October 05, 2006


Why is it that people must comment on EVERYTHING they see on television? I mean, yes, I understand if you're upset or happy or whatever with what is showing but must it be repeated over and over? Let me enjoy the program and then we can talk about it afterwards.

Why do people have to tailgate so closely when I drive on the freeway? And how come drivers do not let us over when we are attempting to merge on to 405 and instead of being considerate, laugh as they nearly cause a 3 car pile-up? Who gave them a license? That person should be fired.

That's it. Just a few things that have happened a lot in the past week and I feel like I've had enough!

1 comment:

Lena said...

Ha, ha, there's no such thing as considerate drivers trying to merge onto 405. It's all about bully your way through and looking intimidating.